If God is for us...

Since my last blog, I’ve had to make some faith decisions to activate my stock of books to be delivered. This was a biggy for me, as a lot had been hinging on having more stock as my old stock of books was down to only a couple of months supply left. 

Anyway, it felt like a weight lifting of my shoulders, and like I said, trusting God to move on our behalf. Proverbs 3v5 v6, “Trust in the Lord with all your your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your path straight.” 

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Hippies Looking for a Perfect World

The sixties were the hey day for the hippy movement. Peace n’ love. Flower-power brought a surge of freedom, and dizzy with this new found freedom, they laughed in the face of authority and blatantly broke the rules. Deliriously happy, they invented crazy strategies to conquer their world. 

The group that sits round the table with us is a far cry from that flowery freedom. The hippies have aged. Drug and alcohol use have left their mark. Wrinkles distort their flamboyant tattoos and their long flowing hair is now a boring grey, or in the case of the majority, simply not there. 

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The Light of the World

With a new year around the corner and another decade passes, time moves on. As age races towards you, life can become more and more interesting. Ten short years ago, I was at work, newly promoted to the top tutor position, and life was good. But, one thing we must always remember, don’t get too comfortable in the work we are doing for the Lord.

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God's child

Knowing that I am God’s child, and what my overall purpose is, gives me a starting point to the direction in which my life is going. I often spend some time just imagining being God’s child, and the many privileges it offers me. I must admit that I have had a rather privileged life compared to many people, so it’s easy to imagine that. However, if you have not, then think of a situation or people that you have privileged relations with, or imagine being a princess. 

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Prepare the way for the Lord

It's almost the end of the year and on reflection it has been a huge season of preparation.   

I retired from leading YWAM Zion last Christmas, thinking it would be a fairly quiet existence from now on. Not so. The Lord has opened doors I could never have imagined. The revival that He spoke to me about so many years ago has begun. He said, "I am sending my Spirit to New Zealand — first to the Maori and then to the Pakeha. Unity. Unity. Unity."  

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In the green valley

When I was about six years old, I heard this Dutch hymn sung at a new primary school. I was still very broken by the many things that had happened to me in the past and felt like one of those little flowers in that valley. I felt crushed, overawed and hopelessly tiny, but I didn’t know what to do about it all. There were a lot of nasty people in the world and even some of the children at school were unkind. 

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A Dry Tree

Last week I received an email from a lady who was born with a very bad squint and used to cry herself to sleep some nights; she hated having school photos taken. Many things seemed to emphasize that she was second rate to others. Imagine how discouraged she felt when she came across Leviticus 21, "For no man who has a blemish... or a defect in his eye... or has been emasculated... shall come near to his God." This also left her feeling second rate. I am writing today to someone who is discouraged. You feel rejected because you are different.

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Against All Odds

Good morning everybody who has been following my blogging. I must say since my last entry plenty has happened, and I’m so thankful to God that He has kept my cup with a huge overflow of his wisdom, grace, insights and more, to operate and run my life according to His plan and listening to the guidance of the Holy Spirit in most areas of my life.

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When I’m not writing, my husband and I are kept busy running a theatre company, which we have called “The Genesis Revolution”. People often ask the story behind the name. Logan and I had been talking about starting up an equipping ministry, to help people share their God-stories. I was mentioning this to my mum and she made the perfect Freudian slip: "The way God weaves stories, from Genesis to Revolution, is incredible". We both laughed - of course, she had meant from Genesis to Revelation, but there was a lot of truth in that simple mistake. 

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No black squiggles

Greetings from Colombia! I’m sharing this story with you from my book, It’s All About Him, which is packed with the real-life adventures of my sister, Anita, and I who have been missionaries in Armenia for over 40 years…

Minnie’s eyes clouded over. She could make neither head nor tail of the black squiggles on the white board. And she didn’t want to. She sat through the remainder of the discipleship class completely detached. I was sitting in on the class and saw when we lost her. I knew why. Minnie was illiterate.

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Cast your nets on the other side (John 21:1-14 Summary)

I asked God, “So what is one way this reading could translate for where we are today?”

These are the insights that came to me.

Well, the boat could be where we are today. It doesn’t even matter whether we are in prison or outside prison. The boat can be an analogy for where we are in our lives today.

The left-hand side could be everything in our lives that has led up to today i.e. our past. All our disappointments, our good decisions and our not-so-good decisions, the times we felt unloved, the times we felt loved but not in the way we wanted to be loved, our successes, our failures and our feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. The way we lived through using habits and patterns we hadn’t thought about... where we just carried on the same old – same old... just like the disciples carried on fishing the way they always had – the same-old-same-old way.

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The awesome power of blessing as a lifestyle

Today I blessed a man of about 40 years, married with children - a very “masculine” man. He never knew his father. I explained to him, with my friend translating into Portuguese, that God always intended to bless children through the fathers, and when this doesn’t happen there is a void. I explained that I was simply an alternative gateway through which God could release the blessing that he missed out on - that I would speak a father’s blessing but that is was the presence and work of the Holy Spirit that would empower it. I asked the Holy Spirit to come upon him.

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Lynley's legacy

Lynley Smith was a passionate New Zealand Christian author who sadly passed away from Leukaemia in October 2018. She lived a full and victorious life with many causes that she supported with great gusto. Only reaching her final calling in life as an author after retiring from journalism, Lynley embarked on a whirlwind few years of traveling, writing, adventuring and publishing 5 books covering a range of fiction, nonfiction and children’s fiction books. These books reflect her heart and her spirit and they are her ongoing legacy for future generations.

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Charismatic Renewal and Its Challenge to Traditional Theology

I have just uploaded to an American publisher the manuscript of my next book. Entitled The Holy Spirit as Person and Power: Charismatic Renewal and Its Implications for Theology, it offers fresh perspectives on the Holy Spirit from what has been learned in charismatic experience.

In just over one hundred years, the Pentecostal–charismatic movement has transformed world Christianity. Pentecostal and charismatic Christians are noted for their rediscovery of spiritual gifts and their commitment to world evangelisation. The fastest-growing part of the world Christian movement, Pentecostals and charismatics now number around 700 million, more than 27 percent of the global Christianity.

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From very small beginnings

Ross Tooley did not write his books because he was a great writer. He wrote because he had something to say, and he was compelled to get the word out. Words of faith and encouragement; stories of success and failure – all born out of his longing for the church to stand up and move out to carry the message of Jesus to the whole world.

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