Posts tagged Ruth Hammond
God speaks silently

There have been times in my life when God has spoken silently, but meaningfully, into my life. More often than not those times have been what I call the ‘desert times’ – the times where things aren’t going smoothly – the times when I’m being stretched beyond what I think I can endure…

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Cast your nets on the other side (John 21:1-14 Summary)

I asked God, “So what is one way this reading could translate for where we are today?”

These are the insights that came to me.

Well, the boat could be where we are today. It doesn’t even matter whether we are in prison or outside prison. The boat can be an analogy for where we are in our lives today.

The left-hand side could be everything in our lives that has led up to today i.e. our past. All our disappointments, our good decisions and our not-so-good decisions, the times we felt unloved, the times we felt loved but not in the way we wanted to be loved, our successes, our failures and our feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. The way we lived through using habits and patterns we hadn’t thought about... where we just carried on the same old – same old... just like the disciples carried on fishing the way they always had – the same-old-same-old way.

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