Hidden Treasure Vol 1 (music album)

Hidden Treasure Vol 1 (music album)


Why did I embark upon a project like this?
Over the years I needed a way to help my kids (and me!) learn Bible verses, and once I’d discovered that putting them into a song or rap really helped, I began working out songs for most of the useful verses we discovered together as a family.
Although I’ve tried to keep the verses as close to the King James Version of the Bible as possible for accuracy, I’ve occasionally had to modernize the language to make the songs more singable.

Why the title: Hidden Treasure?
I once heard a story about an old poverty-stricken widow woman who was being visited by a minister as she lay on her deathbed. He glanced up at the wall of the room and saw a piece of paper pinned there. He took it down and read it. A letter explained that the attached title deed to a valuable piece of property and the entire estate of a wealthy nobleman had been left to this woman. She had been sent this many years ago, and not being able to read, had just pinned it up on her bedroom wall. She had continued to live in poverty for the rest of her miserable life, totally unaware of what she’d been given.

In the same way, many of us go through life, totally unaware of the hidden treasure God has provided for each one of us. His written word, the Bible, is a supernatural book, full of miraculous provision, healing, salvation, deliverance, guidance and genuine enlightenment for these dark days. Just as the title deed hung unheeded on the widow’s wall, the Bible’s many treasures seem to be hidden in plain sight to most of the world’s population. I am hoping that these verses I’ve put to music will reveal some of this treasure to the children of all ages who hear and learn these songs.

Format: Audio CD | MP3 | Streaming
Publisher: Rick Stokes & Friends
Publication country: New Zealand

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