Clash of the Kingdoms

Back in 1973, I was serving as a Platoon Commander in Northern Ireland as part of the British Security Forces when I experienced a very real “Clash of the Kingdoms.”

Our enemy was the IRA (Irish Republican Army) who were fighting for the reunification of the six counties of Northern Ireland with Eire - Southern Ireland. 

In an endeavour to achieve their aim many acts of terrorism were committed with buildings being blown up, and people being killed and injured. Some people were “knee capped” with a pistol being placed behind their kneecap and the kneecap being shot away. Other men were sometimes executed in front of their wife and children with many other acts of violence being perpetrated.

It was my third tour of duty in Northern Ireland when I entered a small shop in Londonderry and 15lbs of high explosive detonated a metre behind me. At that moment I became the victim of a “Clash of the Kingdoms”: the IRA verses the British Crown.

Many other “Clash of the Kingdoms” have occurred and whenever international conflict erupts, or a war is fought, a “Clash of the Kingdoms” is occurring.

The most significant “Clash of the Kingdoms” happened when the Lord Jesus Christ confronted Satan as He hung on the Cross at Calvary. As Jesus died, Satan and his demonic forces must have believed they had won the battle, not realising that what Jesus had done in shedding His blood had paid the price for the redemption of humankind. Also, His resurrection from death was just three days away when the power of death was broken.

My book, Clash of the Kingdoms, tells this story in graphic form.

If you have had a “Clash of the Kingdoms” experience, I would like very much like to hear about it as you reply to what I have said. Email me through my contact form on

Rev Brian France

Founder and Director
Charisma Christian Ministries

To learn more about Brian’s book or blog, or to make contact with him, visit

Brian’s story is also featured in Radical Lives 1